Different Chair Parts You Need to Learn

The chair is a basic furniture piece in any space. Not only does it offer comfort, but also sets the mood of the room. Whether you want to buy a new chair or repair the broken one, read on for chair parts.

Here, I have prepared diagrams showing parts of the chairs. They include a desk chair, armchair, and a dining chair. Take a gander at the anatomies of those chairs. I guarantee you are going to be well informed after reading this article.

1. Armchair Parts

The armchair has a complex design. That is the reason it is quite difficult to design and build. It consists of a cushion, frame, outer fabric, legs, arms, and other parts.

Seat Cushion

Seat cushion is the upholstery fabric case for the seat. It is usually made of soft material to give the chair a cozy feel and a padded touch at once. Moreover, chair cushions come in various colors and styles.


Backrest refers to the entire back of a chair. Without a backrest, you cannot lean your back on when you are sitting in a chair.

The Frame

The frame is the complex structural system that bears the other components. It determines the durability and design of the armchair.

Top Back Rail

The uppermost rail of the armchair’s back. It also connects the seatback to the side rails.

Side Rail

The side rail is a set of rails on both sides of a chair. Along with arm and top arm rail, they help individuals with mobility issues as well as older people get in and out of the armchair safely.

Front Rail

This part is a piece of wood or metal that runs between two armchair’s front legs. It serves as the center of the seat too.

Top Arm Rail

Top arm rail is a member of the chair arm. This rail supports the arm pad.

Back Stretcher Post

A back stretcher post is vertical pieces that run from the armchair’s frame to the backrest base. They are simply the extensions of rear legs.


These units bear the armchair. Not to mention, they keep the chair elevated above the ground. Every chair features front legs and rear legs.

2. Dining Chair Parts

Compared to the office chair and armchair, dining chair embraces a simple design. Its anatomy is quite straightforward. Some dining chairs feature arms, but some do not. Here are the parts of an armless dining chair.

Cross Rail

Also known as mid-rail, this horizontal rail is positioned in the center of the seatback. It is designed for stile and back support. The dining chairs have either one cross rail or more.


The vertical members of the dining chair’s frame, located over rectangular seat. They are the extensions of the dining chair’s rear legs. They also work as a foundation for the seat back as well as apron’s rear.

Top Rail

This part is the horizontal strip of the frame. This upper rail sits at the top of the seatback. It provides support for the backrest. Moreover, it joins the stiles.

Furthermore, the antique dining chairs typically employ carved and shaped top rails, while the modern ones have uncomplicated upper rails.


Apron is the front bracing part that surrounds the seat. It ties the front legs of a dining chair together. The main purpose of the apron is to offer extra structural strength to the dining chair.

Apron can double as a decorative feature. It creates a strong impression and changes the appearance of a dining chair.


The small members of a dining chair located above the top rail. They are also known as tips of the stiles.

Ears can be either ornamental or structural. The Chippendale dining chairs usually comprise up-curved ears. They will make everyone’s head turn for sure.


Legs are the pieces that hold up the dining chair. They keep the furniture in a slightly elevated position above the floor.

In general, dining chairs boast front and rear legs. The distinctive legs transform a chair into a masterpiece.

Dining chairs can be constructed of brass, aluminum, stainless steel, wood, acrylic, or other materials. Moreover, they are available in both neutral and bold colors.


The horizontal member that ties two of the dining chair’s legs together. It gives additional structural strength, integrity, and stability to the chair.

When the spindle is broken, it can lead to creaking or a sagging dining chair. Most dining chairs feature three spindles.


It is a level part of the dining chair for sitting on. The seat must be sturdy since it accommodates your body.

To make a big difference with little expense, you could upholster your dining chair seat. Once it is upholstered, it offers maximum comfort.

3. Parts of a Desk Chair

Mechanically speaking, a desk chair is more complex than the other types of chairs. It consists of two parts, the seat portion, and the base.

Seat Portion


Also called headpiece, the headrest is the upper part of desk chair that provides support for your head.


The base is the foundation of desk chair. It usually looks like a spider web since it comes with multiple prongs. Additionally, it makes the chair stable.


It is the whole back of a desk chair. The backrest is the chair part that you lean.


A part of desk chair to rest your arms. It specifically accommodates the forearm and elbow. For optimum comfort, choose a desk chair with adjustable arms.

Armrest Cushion

The upholstered pads on the arms of a desk chair.


Wheels that make a desk chair movement easy. It adds beauty and function to the chair at once. The casters must be properly maintained to prevent accidents.


It is a piece of chair for sitting. Most desk chairs have cushioned seats.

Seat Tilt Adjuster

This item enables you to lock the chair back into place. Therefore, you will sit correctly in your desk chair.

Seat Tilt Tension Control

This mechanism keeps the user from experiencing the sensation of tipping backward. The heavier the person, the tighter the control.

The Base


This system allows a desk chair to spin 360 degrees.

Pneumatic Cylinder

The pneumatic cylinder is the chair part that lets a chair adjust upward and downward.


Spindle links pneumatic cylinder to the desk chair base.


Arm is the piece that attaches the chair base to the seat bottom.

You just learned the names of chair parts. I hope this article comes in handy. Therefore, you can communicate with a chair designer easily. If you build the chair yourself, buying replacement parts will not be confusing anymore.